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Fraction and Decimal Worksheets for Year 4 (age 8-9)

Hundredths, decimal equivalence, adding fractions, subtracting fractions.

In Year 4 children will begin to work with hundredths, understanding that finding one hundredth is equivalent to dividing by 100 (e.g. one hundredth of 2 000 is equivalent to 2 000 divided by 100). They should also be shown the connection between hundredths and tenths and that hundredths arise by dividing tenths by ten (e.g 0.5 divided by ten is 0.05).

The relationship between fractions and decimals will also be extended and by the end of the year children should be able to recognise and write decimal equivalence of any number of tenths or hundredths (e.g. 6 hundredths is equivalent to 0.06).

An important part of this link between fractions and decimals is understanding the effect of dividing a one-digit or two-digit number by ten or one hundred and identifying the value of the digits in the answer as units, tenths and hundredths (e.g. 45 divided by 100 is 0.45 or 4 tenths and five hundredths or 45 hundredths). Each digit moves one place to the right when dividing by ten and two digits to the right when dividing by 100. There is more on this in our Year 4 Division category.

Of course, there is still plenty to do on equivalent fractions and children should be learning some of the more common families of equivalent fractions (e.g. one fifth is equivalent to two tenths). They should also know the decimal equivalents to a quarter (0.25), a half (0.5) and three quarters (0.75).

Addition of fractions with the same denominator continues but answers can be more than one whole one and should be simplified where possible. More work is also done with subtracting fractions with the same denominator. We have plenty of pages on both of these subjects.

If all of this is achieved by the end of Year 4 then your child will have a really good basic understanding of fractions and should be able to move on successfully next year.

Comparing and ordering decimals

Comparing and ordering decimals up to two decimal places.

Recognising tenths and hundredths

Recognising and writing decimal equivalents of tenths and hundredths. Ordering decimals.

Rounding decimals

Rounding decimals to the nearest whole one and the nearest tenth.

Decimals and fractions

Understanding the relationship between decimals and fractions.

Understanding fractions

Developing an understanding of the equivalence of fractions and how this can be used to order fractions.

Adding and subtracting fractions

Beginning to add and subtract fractions.

More on fractions

More on fractions.

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