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Addition Year 2 (aged 6-7)

Add whole tens, add two 2-digit numbers, add three single digit numbers, solve problems involving addition.

Mental addition continues to be a key area of maths in Year 2. A great deal of emphasis will be placed upon it.
During the year children will be expected to:

•    add mentally a 2-digit number and ones (e.g. 25 + 6 =)

•    add mentally a 2-digit number and whole tens (e.g. 25 + 20 =)

•    add mentally two 2-digit numbers (e.g. 23 + 32 =)

•    add three small numbers (e.g. 2 + 3 + 7 =) 

•    know by heart pairs of numbers that total 20

•    respond rapidly to oral questions such as ‘What is the total of 23 and 10?’ 

•    solve missing number problems such as 12 + ? = 17. 
•    understand addition as combining sets to make a total and that it can be done in any order

•    understand that addition is the inverse of subtraction and use this to check answers

•    continue to solve one-step problems that involve addition using concrete objects and pictorial representations

•    begin to add using written methods in columns

There are a number of skills to help with addition that children need to be made aware of. These include:
•    putting the larger number first (e.g. arrange 6 + 45 as 45 + 6 and count on)
•    looking for pairs that make 10 when adding three small numbers (e.g. 3 + 5 + 7 = 10 + 5 = 15) 
•    being able to partition numbers to make them easy to add (e.g. 12 + 23 = 12 + 20 + 3 = 32 + 3)
•    using knowledge of doubles to make addition easy  (6 + 7 is double 6 plus 1)
•    mentally adding 9 by adding 10 and subtracting 1

Our Year 2 addition worksheets are second to none, combining clear layout, lively graphics and perhaps most importantly, each set concentrates on just one skill. There are usually four pages for each set. If your child finds it tricky it is well worth using more of the sheets to consolidate learning.
Also, don’t forget our superb addition games which provide unlimited practice , re-inforce learning and are a fun change.

Developing mental arithmetic skills

Number lines and bar modelling are used in many schools to help children bridge the gap between using concrete objects/pictures and adding mentally with no aids.

Fast mental addition skills

Plenty of practice of the skills needed to add mentally with speed and accuracy.

Place value and addition in columns

The written method of addition, using columns, can be introduced later in Year 2 when children have a good understanding of place value, ensuring that no exchange is needed to begin with.

Word problems using addition

Children often find word problems harder to answer than simple addition questions as they need to work out what operation to carry out.

More addition activities

More problem solving activities for addition, including fun puzzles and games and 'intelligent practice' for the more able.

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