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Year 1 Autumn Term: Block 2 Addition and Subtraction

Teacher and parent support resources for the mastery block planning: weeks 5 to 8: Addition and Subtraction. 

For the next five weeks addition and subtraction are the key targets. This begins with adding, using pictures to help count on, the introduction of the add sign and solving missing number problems. Understanding that numbers can be broken into parts (partitioned) is crucial and plenty of partitioning work needs to be done. 

Bar modelling is an excellent way to bridge the gap between using concrete objects and the more abstract number sentence and we have included sets for this. The ultimate aim is that children develop sound mental strategies rather than relying on modelling or number lines.

It is also important that children get the chance to look at more open ended tasks of the ‘How many different ways..?’ style of question, where they are encouraged to say how they know that they have found all the possibilities.

Approximately one set a day for the 4 week block, but there are many more resources in our main Year 1 Addition and Subtraction categories as well as our Reasoning/Problem Solving category.

Maths Mastery: on-screen addition activities for iPad or PC.

Our on-screen activities can really help children master Year 1 addition. Adding two small numbers, making ten and adding three small numbers are all available using colourful lively displays requiring children to input answers on the screen. Printable marked answer sheets are available at the end of each set together with on-screen rewards for all correct answers. There are pictorial representations, bar models and number lines to give support where needed.

Maths Mastery worksheets: understanding addition

Beginning to understand addition, using part whole models and pictures to help add up to a total of 10. Using the add sign and completing addition sentences. Finding as many answers as possible from given facts.

On-screen subtraction activities for iPad or PC

Welcome to our on-screen subtraction activities for iPad or PC which are ideal if your child is following a maths mastery programme. These activities can really help children master subtraction in Year 1. Subtracting single digit numbers, taking from ten and subtracting a single digit from a 2-digit number up to 20 are all covered. Instant rewards for correct answers plus printable marked answer sheets make short term assessment easy. There are pictorial representations, bar models and number lines to give support where needed.

Maths Mastery worksheets: subtraction

Understanding subtraction as taking away. Using images to help subtract small numbers, Completing subtraction sentences including using the subtraction sign.

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