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Multiplication and Division
Multiplication and division activities for the Maths Mastery Programme, Summer Term, Block 1.
Children will be introduced to multiplication during this term but with plenty of help such as using concrete materials and arrays.
Multiplication will not be used in a formal way but children will be expected to make equal groups using concrete items such as pencils, cubes, marbles etc. and we have some great pictorial pages on recognising equal groups. Once children can recognise equal groups they can use this knowledge to find totals of groups e.g. three equal groups of 5 apples.
Arrays are a great way to show equal groups and children can make their own as well as interpreting them.
An important part of this will be to begin to count in multiples of ten and we have lots of help with this.
Being able to double is one of the most powerful mental skills that children can develop and we introduce simple doubling of small numbers this term.
Sharing into equal groups is also introduced, but at a very simple level using 1:1 correspondence.
It is important that children spend as much time as possible on these very early stages of multiplication and division if they are to make good progress in Year 2 and beyond.
On-screen activities to cover Block 1: Multiplication and Division
On-screen to help with adding equal groups, counting in tens,using arrays and sharing into equal groups.
Adding equal groups
Recognising and adding equal groups on-screen activities.
Using arrays
Using arrays to help understand multiplication.
Combining groups
Use equal groups to find a total, counting in groups of two, five and ten.
Making equal groups.
Worksheets to cover Block 1: Multiplication and Division
Worksheets to help with adding equal groups, counting in tens,using arrays and sharing into equal groups.