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Subtraction Maths Games for Year 3 (age 7-8)

Subtract multiples of 100.

Bar models or base ten blocks are a great visual help whilst children gain confidence with subtracting multiples of 100. Once confident, try the set of questions with no help or the one minute timed challenge.

Subtract a single digit from a 3-digit number

Taking a single digit from a 3-digit number with the help of base ten blocks, leading on to no visual help and a timed challenge. The crossing of both tens and hundreds is tricky!

Subtract multiples of 10 from 3-digit numbers with no exchange.

Taking a multiple of 10 from a 3-digit number with no exchange (eg 345 – 20). Bar models and base ten blocks can help visualise this.

Subtract multiples of 10 from 3-digit numbers with exchange from the hundreds needed.

Taking a multiple of 10 from a 3-digit number with exchange (eg 345 – 60).

Written subtraction

Find the missing digits in the written method of subtraction

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