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Number and Place Value Maths Games for Year 1 (age 5-6)

Our on-screen activities cover counting forwards and backwards, comparing and ordering small numbers and finding one more or one less than given numbers.

All activities use colourful lively displays requiring children to input answers on the screen.

Printable marked answer sheets are available at the end of each set together with on-screen rewards for all correct answers. Timed challenges are also available.

Counting up to 10

These activities are designed to give children plenty of practice counting to 10.

Odd and Even Numbers

Recognising odd and even numbers.

Counting up to 10 (One minute challenge)

One minute challenge to score as many correct answers as possible. Gold, silver and bronze certificates available, which can be printed.

Counting up to 20

When children are really confident with counting up to ten they can move on to counting up to 20. Base ten blocks and part-whole models can help with understanding place value.

Counting up to 20 (One minute challenge)

The practice is over. How many can you score in one minute? Certificates for high scores!

Using vocabulary to compare small numbers

Comparing numbers using a variety of images and numbers. Using terms such as smaller/larger and smallest/largest.

Vocabulary to compare numbers (One minute challenge)

Just one minute to answer as many questions correctly as possible. Are you ready?

Finding more than and less than

Starting by finding one more or one less than a small number, moving on to finding two, five or ten more or less. The greater than and less than signs are also introduced.

Finding more than and less than (One minute challenge)

Can you score more than or less than 10 in just one minute? The challenge is on.

More on-screen counting

More counting including counting in ones up to 100 and counting in twos, fives and tens.

More counting (One minute challenge)

More counting, but only one minute to answer as many as possible. Gold, silver and bronze certificates can be printed for high scores.

Ordering numbers

Ordering small numbers up to ten, followed by numbers up to 20 before moving onto numbers up to 100. Begin to use first, second and third.

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