A selection of our very best maths resources entirely free, updated each month.
Available for everyone, even expired accounts.
Comprehensions on some of the best known historic figures.
Facts about Julius Caesar.
Information about the life of Boudicca.
A brief look at the life of Napoleon.
A look at the famous Battle of Waterloo 1815.
Comprehension on Edward Jenner and smallpox suitable for upper primary.
An extended version on smallpox and Edward Jenner.
Harder text on the life of Florence Nightingale.
Harder text on the life of Mary Seacole.
Comprehension about the life of Edith Cavell during World War One.
Template and suggestions for a newspaper report on Edith Cavell during World War One.
The Matchstick Girls get fired! Annie Besant and the Matchstick girls strike. Rather gruesome!
One hundred years on and we look back at the life of Emily Davison.
Harder comprehension on the life of Amelia Earhart.
Harder comprehension about the life of Amy Johnson.
Harder comprehension on the Wright Brothers.
Comprehension on The Flying Duchess.
Strange follies built by jack Fuller of Sussex. Tricky comprehension questions.
More information and comprehension on the follies built by Mad Jack Fuller.
if you stroll through the village of Brightling you will come across an extraordinary building in the churchyard. More comprehension for older primary age range.
Lifeboats and lighthouses built in and around Eastbourne by Mad Jack Fuller.
The beautiful castle at Bodiam would no longer exist if it were not for Mad Jack Fuller.
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