A selection of our very best maths resources entirely free, updated each month.
Available for everyone, even expired accounts.
Find one more or one less than the given number. Read the questions carefully!
Find 5 more or less than the given number.
Complete the number line, with numbers going up in twos.
Complete the number line with numbers going up in tens.
Complete the number line correctly, with numbers going up in ones.
Click on the pots of paint to colour the correct number of fish.
A look at words beginning with uni, bi, tri and quad.
Putting the correct signs into number statements.
This might look simple but is actually quite tricky. Some leeway is needed, approximately half a centimetre either side.
Just as useful as number fans when answering money problems. A very popular resource in schools.
This week we take a look at extending number sequences, division, multiples and products, Roman numerals and calculating quickly mentally.
It's mainly number work this week, including dividing tenths by ten, the 12x table, formal written subtraction and much more.
Showing 745 to 756 of 1168 results
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