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8x Table

Help with learning the 8x table.

The 8 times table is often one of the last tables to be learnt ‘off by heart’ but we have introduced new sets of worksheets to help children learn this a little earlier. Of course multiplying by 8 can be done by doubling, doubling and doubling again, but this is a far slower process than knowing the table. Beginning with saying the table out loud, practising answering questions and finally speed tests to see how well it has been learned.

On-screen times tables activities for iPad or PC.

Before using our brilliant printed pages why not try our on-screen 8 times tables activities for iPad or PC. Also available in our Maths Games/MTC and Times Tables category.

Learning the 8x table: eight first (eg 8 x 6)

Worksheets to help children learn the eight times table 'off by heart', with the eight coming first: eg 8 x 5 = 40 or 8 x 6 = 48

Learning the 8x table: eight second (eg 6 x 8)

Worksheets to help children learn the eight times table 'off by heart', with the eight coming second: eg 2 x 8 = 16 or 6 x 8 = 48

More 8x table practice

Further activities on the eight times table, including bar modelling to help children learn the table ‘off by heart’.

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