A selection of our very best maths resources entirely free, updated each month.
Available for everyone, even expired accounts.
Fun activities to use during wet playtimes or as holiday fun on those rainy days.
Find the measurement words in the square, all from the year 1 maths vocabulary list.
Practice writing and spelling the numbers up to ten.
A look at ordinal numbers up to tenth.
Circle te numbers in words and write them in the spaces provided.
Vocabulary worksheet for year 1 children.
Vocabulary for year 1 connected to shape.
Find the 'measures' words hidden in the square.
The months of the year are all hidden in this word search.
Two times table wordsearch.
Five times table wordsearch.
It's numbers rather than words for this 10x table number search.
Some tricky number words to find.
Find the 3x table in this number search.
The 4x table written in words is hidden away in this worksheet.
Vocabulary all to do with calculating in this word search.
How many number statements can you find that make 10?
2D shape words for this word search.
All the words in this word search are to do with data handling.
A different look at the 6 times table, with answers hidden away in the word search.
Wordsnakes are quite tricky. This one concentrates on the vocabulary used in Year 4 Handling Data.
Find the 7x table hidden away in this number search.
Some tricky fraction words can be found in this word search.
Some words linked to using a calculator in this tricky Wordsnake.
Not many clues to help with the 'Data Handling' words found in this Wordsnake.
Very simple Sudoku puzzles.
More simple puzzles.
Further easy Sudoku puzzles.
Still easy, but slightly harder than earlier puzzles.
A further set of Sudoku puzzles for your children.
Fill in the puzzle so that every row across, every column down and every 3 by 3 box contains the numbers 1 to 9.
Quite tricky puzzles.
More hard Sudoku puzzles.
As hard as you would want!
More fiendish puzzles.
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