A selection of our very best maths resources entirely free, updated each month.
Available for everyone, even expired accounts.
Use a ruler to draw lines, accurate to the nearest half centimetre. (Note printers may print page at slightly different size to the original, depending on settings.)
Although we are metric we still use miles to measure car journeys. Most odd! Here are some routes to work out in miles.
Now some worksheets on measuring in kilometres. For those who like to convert, 1,500 metres is about a mile, and 10,000 metres is roughly 6 miles.
Writing lengths in centimetres and millimetres.
Writing lengths in metres and centimetres.
Writing measurements, converting centimetres to metres, millimetres to centimetres etc.
Place various lengths in order of size. A mixture of mm, cm, m and km.
Ordering lengths using different units such as mm, cm and m.
A simple measurement activity.
A measurement investigation comparing head size to height.
Subtracting cm from metres with bar models to help.
Comparing lengths and heights using a mixture of centimetres and metres.
Working out the perimeter of more complex shapes drawn on a square grid.
An introduction to measuring perimeter of simple shapes.
Calculating the perimeter of various shapes.
Solving distance problems using kilometres.
More distances using kilometres.
More problems using kilometres.
Some word problems involving measurement and an interesting little investigation about the size of your head.
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