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Year 3 Autumn Term: Block 3 Multiplication and Division

This is a three week block concentrating on multiplying and dividing by 3, 4 and 8.

A thorough understanding of the relationship between multiplication and division is important and bar models can help with each of the times tables. The 8 times table can be shown to be double the 4 times table, which, in turn, can be shown to be double the 2 times table.

Maths Mastery: step-by-step tutorials for mental multiplication

Step-by-step tutorials for mental multiplication

Maths Mastery: on-screen activities for multiplication

On-screen activities to help with understanding multiplication and times tables.

Maths Mastery: on-screen activities for division

On-screen activities to help with understanding division.

Maths Mastery worksheets: Multiply and divide by 3

Recall and use multiplication facts for the 3x table. Divide using this knowledge.

Multiply and divide by 4

Recall and use multiplication facts for the 4x table. Divide using this knowledge.

Multiply and divide by 8

Recall and use multiplication facts for the 8x table. Divide using this knowledge.

Solve problems using multiplication and division

Understand the relationship between multiplication and division and solve problems.

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