A selection of our very best maths resources entirely free, updated each month.
Available for everyone, even expired accounts.
A look at the words advice or advise and licence or license.
A look at device or devise and practice or practise.
A set of interesting and quite tricky spellings of words ending in 'cious'.
Some tricky words ending in 'tious'.
Some tricky work on words ending in ible, suitable for upper primary age range.
Some long spellings to learn here, but they all end with 'ary'.
Plenty of activities to do with these words that all end with 'able'.
All these words end with 'al'.
Patience and intelligence will be needed for these tricky 'ence' words.
The nonchalance with which some children learn these spellings is amazing!
Very tricky set of words ending with 'cial' or tial'.
Very tricky set of 'cian' word endings.
A further look at word endings: ant.
A look at words ending in ent.
Changing ant endings of adjectives to ance to make nouns.
Changing the ent ending of adjectives to ence.
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