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'Letters and Sounds' work including vowel diagraphs.
Choose the correct 'ai' words for the pictures and sentences.
Activities to help with reading and writing words with 'oi'.
Activities to help with reading and writing words with 'ay'.
Activities to help with reading and writing words with 'oy'.
Activities covering the magic 'e', a_e long a sound.
Activities covering the long i sound with magic 'e'.
Adding the magic 'e' to make new words.
Activities looking at adding the magic 'e' to make the long 'u' sound.
Activities to help with reading and writing words with 'ar'.
Choose the correct 'ee' words for the pictures and sentences.
Activities to help with reading and writing words with 'ea' (long 'e' sound)
Activities to help with reading and writing words with 'ea'.
Activities to help with reading and writing words with 'er'.
Activities to help with reading and writing words with 'ir'.
Activities to help with reading and writing words with 'ur'.
Choose the correct 'oo' words for the pictures and sentences.
Choose the correct 'oa' words for the pictures and sentences.
Activities to help with reading and writing words with 'ou'.
Activities to help with reading and writing words with 'ow'.
Activities to help with reading and writing words with 'ow' (long 'o' sound).
Choose the correct 'igh' words for the pictures and sentences.
Activities to help with reading and writing words with 'or'.
Activities to help with reading and writing words with 'aw'.
Using words which end in 'ing'.
Missing words, cross word and word search all on the y, long 'i' sound.
Activities for words with the letter y as a long 'e' sound.
Activities for words with the 'ar' sound for 'a'.
Activities using words with the short 'u' sound for 'o'.
Activities using words with the 'all' sound.
Activities for words with 'dge' in.
Not so many words with 'air' sound.
Which, where and when are just three of our 'wh' words.
All our the words in these activities start with 'wr'.
Consonant digraphs: ch, sh, th and ng.
Reading words beginning or ending with sh.
Reading words beginning or ending with ch.
Reading words beginning or ending with th.
Reading words ending with ng.
Say the name of the picture then colour the sound it begins with: either sh or ch.
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