Word Classes
A first look at nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs.
Alphabetical order
Early work on alphabetical order.
A first look at common nouns and proper nouns.

2 pages
Fill in the nouns: Tommy Turtle
Fill in the nouns: Tommy Turtle
Basic introduction to nouns.
Plurals of nouns.
Using adjectives to describe nouns.

1 page
Colours as adjectives
Colours as adjectives
A first look at recognising and using adjectives.
Identifying verbs and recognising the verb 'to be'. Present and past tense.
Introducing adverbs
A first look at adverbs.
Conjunctions and Prepositions
A first look at conjunctions and prepositions.
Prefixes and Suffixes
An introduction to prefixes including 'dis' and 'un'. Using suffixes such as 'er' and 'ful'.