A selection of our very best maths resources entirely free, updated each month.
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General spelling rules for Years 3 and 4.
Spelling patterns and activities (ex words).
Spelling patterns and activities (ar words).
Spelling patterns and activities (atch words).
Spelling patterns and activities (or words).
Spelling patterns and activities (ir words).
Spelling patterns and activities (ur words).
Spelling patterns and activities (aw words).
Spelling patterns and activities (er words).
Spelling patterns and activities (al words).
Spelling patterns and activities (ow words).
A look at some of the words with a 'soft c' such as cellar and juice.
A list of spellings which have the soft 'g' sound.
Some of my favourite words that all have 'our' in.
An 'igh' wordsearch, sentences to complete and dictionary meanings for words with 'igh' in.
More ch used for the /k/ sound.
A first look at ch used for the /k/ sound.
A selection of spellings of words with 'ough' in. As 'ough' can make several different sounds these are quite tricky.
A great set of pages on when to use 'a' or 'an'.
Spelling rules regarding consonants.
Spelling patterns and activities (ck words)
Spelling patterns and activities (sh words).
Spelling patterns and activities (ch words).
Spelling patterns and activities (th words).
Ache and chaos are just two of these tricky 'ch' words.
Use the clues to find the 'ph' words in the spiral; plus completing sentences and rearranging letters to make words.
Spelling patterns continue with these 'ch (saying sh) words.
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