Time Worksheets
Learning to tell the time is one of the most important skills in everyday life and takes several years to master.
Year 1 Time Worksheets
The key outcomes for telling the time in Year 1 are:
- to learn to tell the time to the hour
- to tell the time to half an hour on an analogue clock
- draw the hands on a clock face to show these times
- sequence events in chronological order using terms such as before and after, today and yesterday
In Year 1 much of the work on time will involve the understanding and use of the vocabulary related to time. The vocabulary children will need to know includes:
- the order of the days of the week
- months of the year
- the seasons of the year
Example worksheet sets for Year 1 Time
Year 2 Time Worksheets
Practice with telling the time continues in Year 2, including the following targets:
- tell and write the time to 5 minutes
- use quarter to and quarter past the hour
- draw hands on clock faces to show these times
- compare and sequence intervals of time
- know the number of minutes in an hour
- know the number of hours in a day
There may not seem quite as much to do in Year 2 on time as there is in other areas of maths, but it is important that children gain confidence with reading the time on an analogue clock. It is surprising how many struggle with this as they see far fewer of them in real life than previous generations. We have plenty of great pages to help with all the above.
Example worksheet sets for Year 2 Time
Year 3 Time Worksheets
In Year 3 telling the time is part of Measurement in the National Curriculum and we include all our time worksheets within the Measurement category rather than a separate category of its own. Targets include:
- read the time from an analogue clock to the nearest minute
- use clocks using Roman numerals from I to XII
- using a.m. and p.m.
- become familiar with the 24 hour clock
- record and compare times in seconds, minutes and hours
- know the number of seconds in a minute
- know the number of minutes in an hour
- know the number of days in each month, year and leap year
We also have plenty of pages on solving simple problems involving time; working out how long it is between two times, the length of time of TV programmes, word problems on time etc.
Why not take a look now at all our time resources for Year 3?
Example worksheet sets for Year 3 Time
Year 4 Time Worksheets
Most of the work on time will be completed by the end of Year 4. Some of the main targets are:
- read, write and convert time between analogue and digital 12 hour clocks
- read, write and convert time between analogue and digital 24 hour clocks
- solve problems converting between hours and minutes
- solve problems converting between minutes and seconds
- solve problems converting between years and months and weeks and days
There are plenty of other practical activities that can be done to help with understanding time. TV guides are a useful resource to work out lengths of programmes. Stop watches and stop clocks can also be used to find out how much time is spent on an activity or how long a task takes.
We have many excellent pages on all the above subjects, to be found in our Year 4 Measuring and Time category.
Example worksheet sets for Year 4 Time
Year 5 Time Worksheets
Just the one target for Year 5:
- Solve problems converting between units of time
However, one aspect of time which tends to be neglected is solving problems using timetables. Many children do find reading and interpreting timetables quite tricky and we have some excellent resources using bus and train timetables to help with this.
We have some great time worksheets for year 5, found in our Measurement category.
Example worksheet sets for Year 5 Time
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