This Month's Free Resources
Free resources for February range from counting in Year 1 to algebra in Year 6, with plenty of multiplication and division in between.
Free: Valentine's Day Maths
A selection of maths activities across the year groups, all with a Valentine's Day theme.
Free: Reception Counting
Free resources to help children count up to 10, including counting two sets of objects.
Free: Year 1 Fractions
Free resources on finding halves and quarters of shapes and small amounts.
Free: Year 2 Multiplication
Free resources for children to practise their knowledge of 2x, 5x and 10x tables.
Free: Year 3 Fractions
Finding fractions of shapes and numbers are our free resources for Year 3 this month.
Free: Year 4 Times Tables
Free pages to help with learning the 6x and 7x tables. Plenty more on the main site and don't forget the free MTC.
Free: Year 5 Multiplication and Division
Free worksheets on using the formal written methods of multiplication and division.
Free: Year 6 Algebra
A simple introduction to algebra is the topic for this month's free resources for Year 6.